Welcome to the safe internet for kids
KidGram is an essential service for loving parents

The Telegram messenger is growing worldwide and can offer a lot of interesting, useful and educational content, with more and more resources for kids.
However, Telegram, just like all other digital resources and messengers, has lots of easily accessible junk information, as well as dubious and even dangerous users, so these services have a 17+ rating in appstores. In our opinion, no responsible parent should give underage children uncontrolled access to these services.
3 main reasons to use KidGram:
for the youngest ones
KidGram for ELARI Smart Watches

for the youngest ones
KidGram for ELARI Smart Watches

Under your strict guidance, the child can add contacts, create and join groups and channels, chat, send multimedia and voice messages and allow stickers.
for older kids
KidGram for smartphones and tablets

for older kids
KidGram for smartphones and tablets

Teenagers can use KidGram on smartphones and tablets (coming soon!), as well as in combination with children's watches.
In addition, parents will be able to monitor the geolocation of the smartphone to determine where
the child is.
for parents
Parental control through the ELARI SafeFamily App:

for parents
Parental control through the ELARI SafeFamily App:

With the help of the ELARI SafeFamily application, at any time, control who the child communicates with, which groups he wants to join and what channels to watch.

Protect children from unwanted contacts, adult content and junk information.

In addition, the history and statistics of previously allowed chats are available to you. With parental consent, your child will be able to hide chat history for certain contacts.
The most powerful App for the most responsible parents
Be a friend and mentor to your kid!

Be a friend and mentor to your kid!
KidGram service allows you to communicate with your child through your Telegram app and share exciting content with him, including links to groups, channels and specific YouTube videos.
Block or allow the search for contacts and content

Block or allow the search for contacts and content
Through the ELARI SafeFamily application you can enable or disable the search for new channels or contacts of the Telegram world. Even if the search is enabled, the child will not be able to add a new contact or watch/subscribe to a channel without your approval.
Block everything. If necessary.

Block everything. If necessary.
With a touch of a button in the ELARI SafeFamily app (or simply scheduled!) you can block or unblock all chats and channels in KidGram. Your child will stay in touch with you. This is really important during classes or when you need to do chores at home.
Where is your kid?

Where is your kid?
Allows you to see the geo-position of a smartphone or a tablet with KidGram (coming soon!). You will no longer have to worry about where your child is: whether he reached school or strayed too far during a walk.
Control your kid’s communication and the content he views

Control your kid’s communication and the content he views
Through the ELARI SafeFamily application, you can approve and follow a list of contacts, groups and channels to which the child has access, as well as the message statistics for the period. Links to web pages will be inactive, so the child will not be able to access a questionable site. Users have access to the chat history and even those messages that were deleted by the correspondents.
ELARI Premium users have access to:

KidGram kids chat history, including messages that have been deleted by correspondents

Special offers for the products of ELARI and partners
Choose a Premium plan for one device or a Premium BigFamily plan for all devices.
Premium features apply to all family members who have access to the device(s)
Give your kids the freedom to interact with trusted people and enjoy content in approved channels
Time to chat!

Time to chat!
Your child can add contacts, create and join groups and channels, text, send multimedia messages and allowed stickers.
Learn new and interesting things

Learn new and interesting things
KidGram has KidGram TV - the Telegram channels we recommend to help kids learn new interesting facts and become more erudite.
You can also find informative posts and channels on Telegram and recommend them to your kids!
Cute and funny

Cute and funny
Harmless, sweet and funny content for kids is always available for leisure and entertainment: cute animal videos, popular memes and much more.
Safety cheeeeck

Safety cheeeeck
Allowed links to YouTube videos are played directly in KidGram, without going to external sources. Therefore, accidental exposure to junk information is eliminated.
Customize according to your interests and mood

Customize according to your interests and mood
Your child can change themes of his KidGram to light or dark.

Currently KidGram is available on Kids watches.
We will notify you as soon as it becomes available on kids smartphones or tablets.